After leaving Delta, we headed for Provo and the Earth Science Museum at Brigham Young University. This museum showcases many fossils from the Jurassic Period, which spans a period from approximately 210-140 million years ago. The museum houses one of the top five collections from the Jurassic Period in the world and has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television throughout the world. Unfortunately for us, it's not open on Saturday, which is when we were there. Additionally, there was a sign on the door saying that they were closed for field work so we probably would have been out of luck no matter when we'd gotten there.
We didn't let it deter us and just headed to our RV park, looking forward to a little time to relax. This campground, Lakeside RV Campground, was gorgeous and located right next to the river. There were tons of cottonwood trees and the whole place almost looked blanketed with snow as the fluff was so thick everywhere. After a walk along the river, we changed and headed to the pool for some recreation time. This was where Matt really started to take off with his swimming and started to get a lot more confident in the water. A little more practice and he'll be swimming like a fish!
I think Provo has been one of Rob's favorite stops so far. He ran along a bike/hiking path called the Provo River Parkway (among other names) and loved it. This path was 34 miles of uninterrupted path - no roads, traffic, cars, etc. that ran along the river and up to Provo Canyon. He ran a total of about 13 miles, taking in the local wildlife. He kept talking about "birds with doodads on their head", which we later identified as quail.

You can see how thick the cottonwood fluff was on the path along the river.

The trees actually looked like they were covered with snow, they were so white.

A close-up of fluff on a pine tree.

Leaving the campground, heading for Vernal, we drove along the Provo River in Provo Canyon. We pulled over to admire Bridal Veil Falls (evidently a common name for falls as Yosemite also has one and I saw another one on a map in another state) in the canyon.

A closeup of the falls, showing it's likeness to a bridal veil, hence it's name.
(As you can tell, I'm taking advantage of having a decent connection and posting while I can!)